本当にかわいい!世界一かわいいと称された子猫 - The Cutest Little Kitten in the World - このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World


日本に住むBen Torode氏の体長20cmも無さそうなとにかく小さくてカワイイ子猫の写真。

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The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

The Cutest Little Kitten in the World

via: The Cutest Little Kitten in the World - My Modern Metropolis

この記事を書いたキュレーター: Sumito Matsue

STYLE4 の管理人。インテリア、雑貨、インターネット好きが高じて、様々なメディアでキュレーターとして活動中。Twitter